Ole-Egil Hvitmyren wrote:
Hans-Joerg Frieden wrote:
Max Larsson wrote:
These information could be helpfull.
I can only stress again that the Mac people actually already *have* a good X11 server implementation. I don't think that we want to have OOo in an AmiX11 window, so the only option would be to re-implement X ourselves.
XAmi worked very nice for me, I've used X11 a bunch of times before on Amiga. When it comes to time-to-market, X11 is going to be YEARS ahead of a native port. At least that's what the analysis from the guy behind NeoOffice/J suggests. So while most people should work on the native things, we should make sure it stays useable on XAmi at all times.
You know that the J on NeoOffice/J stands for Java... IIRC does NeoOffice/J use Java very much... and it is not the official OOo port for MacOS X - I know it is the only one that works at the moment, but it is still not the official one as they have changed a lot of the code (the official OOo port for MacOS X is going to be build directly from the OOo CVS sources).
Wouldn't it be better if we at the beginning - if it is needed - would make use of XAmi or any other X11 port that can be used on OS4, and when we make it work on Workbench, using AGG, when X11 support would be dropped? I think it would be a step in the wrong direction, if we should use X11 to run our Office suite :-( I think I would more likely restart the computer and use it on Debian GNU/Linux then.