Hello Chris
On 09/01/2005, you wrote:
On Sat, 08 Jan 2005 23:05:56 +0100, Ole-Egil Hvitmyren
Christophe Ochal wrote:
Hello, Updated list: We corrently have the following people available to us: Management & Website/forum: Amon_Re DaveyD SVN Server & Mailinglist: Olegil
I would also like to see some redundancy (houses can burn, people can die. We don't generally want them to, but it does happen. Some people feel that unless everyone depends on them they aren't doing a good job. I tend to feel the opposite. The less people who depend on my work to survive, the better PLANNING I've done :-) ), so if anyone else has the possibility to host the mailing list or SVN should some accident occur raise your hand now :-)
I'm a big fan of Plan B. Though Plan C comes in a close second. I have some webspace available and can host mailing lists. I would also be willing to help with coordination and other none coding aspects. Once we get going, maybe we could have a job listing section where people can sign up for open needed tasks.
There is an unpolished, non detailed list here: http://amigadev.amigaworld.net/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&am...
I think this should be considered for the whole project. The smallest unit should not be a person, but a team. You know you're gonna curse yourself if the guy who has done 50% of the work on some huge component looses interest and moves on (or even worse, gets pissed at me for something I say and deletes all his sources/references/docs just to spite us ;-) )
All the key postions should have a deputy/second that can filling or replace them permanently or temporarily. Everything else should be broken down in to managable chunks that can be worked on my workgroups of 2 or 3 people. Were you thinking of something like that?
That's how i read it anyway ;)