Hello Jürgen
On 08/01/2005, you wrote:
We don't need linux support, but we do need someone fairly well aquinted with linux to help guide the porting, that can explain to the others what this & that bit do on linux, and offer help in working arround things not possible in AOS
I'd propose this is the job of the leas programmer. He/She should have some skills in understanding Linux code. I'd expect a person capable of beeing a lead programmer to understand alien code, anyway. A specialized function like a "Linux consultant" would fit here, I think.
Good proposition, noted
Anyway, before we talk about managment (which is a word I do not really like), we should talk about functional entitys, define the responsibilities and try to find people taking over those responsibilities. Afterwards, we make some sort of internal applications for these jobs and pick (vote) for the best candidate.
You just described management ;)
I know :) But I do not consider myself a manager, simply because managers are often far off the details or the basic understanding (which is IMO often the case in SW...sorry to say that...but maybe I am wrong and I meet the wrong people ;) Don't take this too serious, I know it could also be the other way round...
I don't consider myself to be a manager myself, but i want to keep the group focussed on the task at hand and for that someone has to take initiative into getting things moving.
EntilZha got the ball rolling, my goal is to keep it rolling in the right direction
I agree, that's actually what i'm trying to get us to achieve, organisation, your proposition is more then welcome :)
Yes, and I guess you're doing a good job already. I just didn't have time to read the whole bunch of emails since two days...(damn, now I sound like a manager ;)
I don't know if i'm doing a fine job or not, i'm not getting flames & insults yet so i guess i'm a poor manager :P hehe j/k
Sorry, was a bit long, but I hope you might find the one or other thought usefull to set up an effective team. I am pretty sure I missed some things here, so if you have things to add, please go ahead.
Feedback is always good :)
Thanx. I'd like see the current organisation broken into more details. How would you (we ?) do that. I mean, what would be the next step. Are you disccussing these things on IRC ?
With a group this big organising an IRC session might pose a time zone related problems, basicly the mailinglist should be more then enough to get to first base (in other words, get organised enough)
BTW: the aw-de devsite. This is completely open, ATM. Wouldn't it make sence to lock it down to members only, with maybe some public forum(s) ? Also, should the main communication be done on this mailing list or more on the web based board (which I would prefer) - simply because as soon as components are defined, it might make sence, people in one group (if we establish something like that) can discuss things locally, instead of filling up this mailing list with details.
The forums should be locked on amigadev.amigaworld.net for the time being, lets focuss discussions on the mailinglist so that it's easy to follow for everyone & we don't have to check 2 or 3 sites & a ml to get the whole picture.
I could easilly change them to members of the team only when time comes & presents the need. The forum was opened to shift discussions from aw.net towards amigadev, now that we have a ml they are someone rebundant.
E.g. a project (e.g. a component, but also establishing the teams) could be discussed there in detail and it is easier to just select the specific project. For example, for me it's a bit hard to follow, if/how things organised by walking thru all emails and filter just the ones covering organisation. There is a thread on an already with HR. I see organisation as one component already.
Once we are organised, we will have a general idea of where we want to go & what tools we use.
Mark sent a very good mail & proposal