On Mar 26 juillet 2005 20:39, Peter Molenaar a écrit :
Hi Ole-Egil,
First of all, thanks for your report on the show. It was a fun read :-).
I'm saving it up for when I get another A1 installed (probably tomorrow, but we've been promised storms, so no electronics).
Could those going to Boinged in Belgium please confirm their presence to Simon Vergauwen mailto:Simon@Amigaclub.Be who appears to be going slowly mad trying to get everything organised. Heigh ho, life is but a box of wormgears.
One question concerning Captain Moo Moo & Joppe: did they state any requirements in order to be able to have students do projects that may be beneficial to us? (Like us providing project definitions/goals for instance?)
Well, Captain Moo Moo's got his µA1-C, so that's the first hurdle over.