Hello Andy
On 07/01/2005, you wrote:
On 7/1/05 7:58 pm, "Christophe Ochal" ochal@kefren.be wrote:
Well the first thing would be to secure some hosting for this thing. Next would be looking at the info we already have and the kind of stuff that's likely to come up in the future, and putting it together in a logical, easy to reference manner.
Thomas's idea for a wiki could be very usefull for that
Wiki was one of the systems I had in mind for later (abiword uses their own version of wiki IIRC), if it's easy enough to start up now then it gets my vote.
I'm doing some tests locally with phpwiki, it's rather straightforward to setup ;)
As soon as the hosting is setup i'll upload phpwiki in a subdir, make a simple welcome page with some info (who were are & what the hell we're trying to pull off) and a link to the wiki with user auth.