Hello Ole-Egil
On 17/06/2005, you wrote:
Ochal Christophe wrote:
Op 10-jun-05, om 08:19 heeft Ole-Egil Hvitmyren het volgende geschreven:
Ochal Christophe wrote:
Hi all, Since Stephane Richard has done a great work on the article sofar, i was wondering whom of us will be able to attend amigbg? Also, who is able to be there AND give a presentation? Come on now, don't be shy.... PS: I'll be most likely be attending & doing the same
Just noticed it said i'd be attenting, when i meant i'd be attending boinged in Belgium :P
And since that is now official, can we do the same PR stunt for AmiGBG? What's our project description for the AmiGBG website?
Erm... emm.... what do you mea, with "our project description for the amigbg website"?