Ochal Christophe wrote:
I mailed them yesterday, didn't you get them?
Op 2-feb-05 om 15:40 heeft Mark bond het volgende geschreven:
I notice the logs/extract from Last thursday's meeting arent up yet, Who took the logs? if you need some assistance formatting them, send em over and I'll see what Ic an do about getting them live.
OK in the abscence of the website heres the extract:
Thursday 27th January 2005 Extract
Salient Points
Tonyw has investigated BDB proting and thinks it should be fairly simple Jamiga Project not at status of previous 0.03 version but has: JNI, No memory leaks, can reuse a lot of stuff from GNU Classpath project. Still to do full AWT, will then get SWING automatically. CVS on Sourceforge is going ot mirror the layout of the OO.org layout. CVS will keep to one tree. Bean is currently looking into Aspell AmiVNC access across Internet to Ryncewynd's machine appears to be too slow. AC Progressing on porting libusb Rigo offered to help with creating test app for aspell and gui for sane.
Amon_re to post to OO.org re patches Amon_re to write a script to track changes to the main OO.org tree.