Tony Wyatt wrote:
Hi Scott,
On 17/01/2005, you wrote:
You can compile OOo without Mozilla connectivity by make -DWITHOUT_MOZILLA
Is that the same or different from the "--disable-mozilla" option from this page?
It does not actually describe what happens if you "disable" it. Maybe you just need a different Mozilla?
*BSD ports wrappers generally map 1:1 with their autoconfi/configure options, so it should have the same effect.
Good link to that page though. At initial glance, their statement about --deisable-mozilla is semi-scary- "OO usually provides some form of hacked up mozilla"
--with-use-shell may be worth looking at in the configure/build scripts
It doesn't look like they've fully documented their configure flags there, but I'm wondering in glancing at their options they do document if the 'full' OOo source actually integrates all of their dependencies within their own source tree as 'fallbacks' for each dependency? ( I can't verify currently, still pulling source down in prep for build...)