Henning Nielsen Lund wrote:
Can some people please tell me what the status is of the following bits? LibUSB (finished i thought?)
RWO has put an huge effort in this project, and some tests are working (at least they where last time I had the time to test it - about two month ago)
Found it on os4depot (http://www.os4depot.net/index.php?function=showfile&file=library/misc/li...)
LibSANE (Not finished?)
I have not been able to put any time in it since I moved out of our appartment (two month ago). I know that RWO has been working on it, but I have not been able to get to his emails (have some thousand emails that I need to read). Should be able to get some time soon (we have got heat again)...
Rene, if you're reading... ;)
Aspell (has it been debugged any further? Is it release ready?) ABC-Shell, has anyone inhere used it?
Some of us are also members of the Amiga Bourne Compatible Shell team, so at least some of us have been using it ;-)
Can abc-shell be used for configure scripts etc,or is it not ready yet for those things?