Christophe Ochal wrote:
Hello Jürgen
About the vote: I am not pretty happy with the things going on here. There is simply not enough information available to make a vote yet, the notification time is/was way to short. Did the IRC conference take place today ? If so, I missed it, and I guess to announce something like this has to reserve at least some time to plan the meeting (at least 1-2 days ahead).
I think the voting was mentioned since yesterday, the sole reason why i suggested it was because there simply is no direction inhere at all, getting someone to steer this in a direction seems to me the best solution.
And if we don't get someone to officially lead us soon I'm going to keep swamping you in explanations, ideas and suggestions until you just silently give up and I become the shadow government :-P
We could of course extend the time limit on the vote another 12-24 hours just to make certain everyone has their say in the matter. And asking follow-up questions before voting is allowed, I presume.
There's another thing we haven't considered, and that is, what responsibilities and priviliges does the head honcho have? I mean, how can we get rid of one (would enforcing a new vote in say 2 months be a good idea? Can we vote him out of office if he's being a bastard, etc. In a perfect world these are unneccessary, but last time I woke up, this sure as heck wasn't a perfect world :-P ).
Is he there to help us, or are we there to help him? Do we propose things for him to decide or does he propose things for us to decide? Does he have a veto right?
I suggest: We have a new vote every two or three months, and that he has a veto, but anyone can request a vote over any trivial matter (too many requests over trivial matters from an individual would then automatically lead to a pair of boxed ears and a footprint on his behind). The managers role is to make certain we're going in the right direction, but he must do this not by going in front and hoping everyone follows, nor by going behind with a pointed stick, but by gently pushing us in the right directions while still being one of us.
Ole-Egil, who has seen what a group without a strong leader can end up as ;-)