Hi Andy
On 11/01/2005, you wrote:
Some people will just complain about anything. Form the looks of things the majority here are AOS4.x users*, why should they have to do extra work for users of other systems? Quite frankly, if MOS or AROS (or 68k) users want OO.o that badly they can get up off their lazy arses and port it themselves, just like AmigaOS 4.0 user have had to with mPlayer. The source will be available to do it.
Yes that is my view on things too, let it be available on OS4 first and let other people port it afterwards if they are that desperate for it! I take it having (initially) one target platform will make it a slightly easier task?
OS 3.1 is well over 10 years old FFS. I really don't see the need to be looking backwards with a project that's supposed to bring the platform forwards.
Also agre here too, time to move forward.
*just to note, I'm not an OS4 user myself yet before anyone gets arsey about it.
Let's hope you are an OS4 user soon tho eh? ;-)