Hello Chris
On 11/01/2005, you wrote:
On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 15:23:44 +0100, Ole-Egil Hvitmyren
This is BAD, people. If it doesn't improve, I'm not going to spend another minute trying to organise any of this crap.
Maybe over the weekend would have been better than during the week.
The problem isn't the time, the problem is the non responce from the members on this list, instead of saying that it's a bad time, they don't even bother to do that :(
Only one person sofar has asked for a reshedule, 5 people have responded to Olegil's post, and the rest is just doing jack shit.
We have 60+ people on the list, but maybe 1/3 of those are actively posting, and half of that is actually reacting to the proposals made.
If a reshedule is needed, then people should speak up!