Hi stephane
On 09/06/2005, you wrote:
I've managed to put up a first draft of the article this morning.
Would you like this to appear in the next issue (free of charge0 of Total Amiga magazine http://www.totalamiga.org ?
We would only be too happy to publish it there :-)
A few notes: This is a first draft. I'm assuming here that the idea is to raise enough curiosity, in a brief article, to get people coming to our project and website, get them interested and get them helping as well. Also, I used the header graphic from amigaopenoffice.org since I had to resize it, it doesn't look as clear as it does on the website. Perhaps the original article can provide me with a bigger version of that graphic so it shows up clearer than this?
Awaiting comments :-). Atleast now we got something to work with. in my opinion, it's not half bad at all I believe, but who knows perhaps there's different things I could mention to give it a bigger impact. :-) It might be great just the way it is too. So here it is and enjoy.
Note that when exporting this to HTML, some formatting is changed (almost as expected :-) but the overall look is there.
let me know what you think.
Stephane Richard