Hello Andy
On 09/01/2005, you wrote:
On 9/1/05 9:23 pm, "Christophe Ochal" ochal@kefren.be wrote:
Sofar the list i've assembled is: Amon_Re Argo Rincewynd TonyW T_Power Mark
These are the entries that will be present on the voting booth poll, anyone who wants on or out speak up ASAP.
Could you maybe add the introductions that people have posted about themselves on the Poll page so it's a bit easier to make an informed decision? It's hard to keep up with who is who especially as we're dealing with real names and nicks at the same time.
I have info on Ryncewynd, tonyw & Mark, missing info on Argo & T_Power, i know myself so i can write that down ;)