Hi Olly,
On 22/08/2006, you wrote:
I still don't understand what this is all about. Is the allegation that someone has somehow set Olegil's server into relay mode? How can forwarding mail to spamcop (which I assume is an address somewhere) end up spreading it via a subscriber-only server to an address that does not even remotely resemble "spamcop"?
Nope. Spamcop is a spam-blacklisting service. As far as I can tell, when an e-mail is reported to them (be that by a person, or automatically by their spam-filter), it's originator (in this case, samfudnet.no) is added to their blacklist - which is then used by countless spam-blocking systems around the world. Obviously this can cause no end of problems if your domain is entirely innocent.
Aha! So we are talking about TWO disasters - firstly, the spam mail getting through last week, and secondly, Olegil's server being blacklisted as a result, by some over-zealous filter program.
Now I understand why Olegil was angry. Thanks.