Henning Nielsen Lund wrote:
Mark bond wrote:
There was a message posted on the IBrowse mailing list that holds some information that I think is usefull to this project:
message here:
Basically saying that Stefan and Andrija have been working on AmiSSL3 for 68k and OS4 but that it required perl which in turn requires ixemul, and that they have had to "sort it out" for OS4, whether this means that perl has been ported (using ixemul) for OS4 or straight to OS4 I dont know, but it does seem likely that Perl is available (or will be shortly) for OS4, and perl is a requirement for OpenOffice.org. It would be good if we can get confirmation of this (Rogue/Entilzha)?
I am trying to see if I can make Perl work with clib2. There is no guaranty that it is going to work, but I need Perl, so I will do what I can to make it work...
PS: I have not been here for about a week, as I have some trouble with network on my uA1-C :-( But that is mostly on Debian GNU/Linux.
I take it you are in contact with Stefan?