Just as a (top posted, do'oh! ;-) aside, a wiki would be perfect for a number of initial organization and documentation efforts with mor ethan one people working on them...such as doccing the initial toolchain, build environment, AOS specific dependencies etc...
I think I've looked at Mambo a while back, but don't recall specifics. MoinMoin is the 'wiki standard' for most, but anything provising similar functionality with most pages write access to the AOSOO group would be useful.
Christophe Ochal wrote:
Hello david@amigaworld.net
On 10/01/2005, you wrote:
I'm currently setting up a website that uses mambo 4.5 for CMS (4.5.1 was very css dependent), there is a wiki component available for this CMS that I will install if we need wiki, though openoffice.org is already well documented.
I would go for the wiki already, as Scott said, it's a good clipboard ;)
For project management dotproject seems quite good, you can test it here http://www.opensourcecms.com/dotproject/ user: admin pass: passwd
I will need to do some work on it to replace the css for amiga browsers should we decide to use dotproject.
This can be decided later on.
Regards David Doyle (DaveyD) Owner/Webmaster Amigaworld.net