Chris Fraser said:
On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 15:24:45 +0000, Andy Hall wrote:
Just out of interest, how are these IRC sessions going to be organised? Is it just going a free for all or will it be conducted by the PM?
I assume by the PM, but could be others later.
Will the PM be elected by then?
Should be. Voting has been extended 12 hours, so get to the site and vote.
Also is anyone planning to make the logs available for those who can't make it?
I'll have logs. I'm sure others will have logs. I'll have mine up online. Once we get this organizational support structure hammered out there will be a central online archive. In short, yes logs will be available.
I also "mentioned" that we need not only to have the logs, but have someone who is able (and preferably willing) to compact the logs into "what we decided", "what we need to decide" and "what we need to research further". That way, we know what next the day's/week's session is going to be about.