Hello Andy
On 11/01/2005, you wrote:
On 11/1/05 1:12 pm, "Hans-Joerg Frieden"
Daniel Weßling wrote:
I in my opinion thinks that we should not base oo on aos4 but on aos3.1 - in this case we would have the possibility to add more coders from the mos/classic os + aros side, which would help getting ready faster. Later on I would suppose to make it aos4 as in the second step.
Is there any MorphOS/AROS coder on the list? I've seen complaints about "locking them out" on various (mostly german) fora, but so far haven't seen anyone actually asking.
Some people will just complain about anything. Form the looks of things the majority here are AOS4.x users*, why should they have to do extra work for users of other systems? Quite frankly, if MOS or AROS (or 68k) users want OO.o that badly they can get up off their lazy arses and port it themselves, just like AmigaOS 4.0 user have had to with mPlayer. The source will be available to do it.
They could atleast *join* before complaining about things wich simply haven't been contemplated yet ;) Don't let some trolls get to you.
OS 3.1 is well over 10 years old FFS. I really don't see the need to be looking backwards with a project that's supposed to bring the platform forwards.
3.1 is obsolete, 3.5 & 3.9 are still in common use, if we can tap into the developers in that segment of the community, why the hell not? Porting from 3.X to 4 is (most likely) alot easier then from linux to 4.0 :)