Le 20/01/2005, Ochal Christophe a écrit :
Op 20-jan-05 om 03:08 heeft Peter Bengtsson het volgende geschreven:
The thing that struck me, however is that we might wish to split the mailinglist in two - one for project related discussion and one for development discussion. The risk is of course that one of the lists will stagnate, but the risk of not doing so is to flood this list with messages which are largely irrelevant to any non-programmer. (But perhaps this will make everyone feel more "in the know"?)
I was more considering using dev.amigaopenoffice.org for this, as it has task management, ticketing & fora that can be assigned to any project.
My idea was to devide the dependencies into projects so that each dependency has its own forum, taks & ticketing service.
I vote for this option. Too many mailing lists is a Bad Thing. I feel that in this case a forum is the best option: developers can communicate between themselves without bothering/being bothered by people working on another part of the project with totally different problems and priorites, with sections available to all (involved the the project, not the general public) for more general discussion.
This list is probably best used for general day-to-day information and organisation, stuff that doesn't need to be preserved for posterity.
Incidentally, has anyone yet been officially designated to talk to/work with the main Openoffice.org project? We need to be an official port, after all.