In case some people haven't read this:
Ole-Egil Hvitmyren wrote:
Christophe Ochal wrote:
Olegil, i'd like you to setup a shedule for a IRC meetings on thursday & friday, could you arrange that?
Of course.
I really wanna try out this system, that means everyone sends me a mail with what hours they become available (using worldclock) and for how many hours/minutes. If it's less than thirty minutes in a row or begins on something other than :00 or :30 I don't wanna know. Also, limit to a reasonable amount of available periods ;-)
Example: "I am available from
plus 2 hours
plus 6 hours
plus 1 hour
plus 1 hour
plus 6 hours"
I take this, and send it in an email to with Subject: Schedule 1
I then process the information at some point during the next 24 hours and send the results back to the list.
Does everyone understand this? (Rhetorical question, I don't want 60 emails saying "yeah, sure" :-) )
If for some reason I don't fully grasp what you mean, you'll get a reply saying "invalid data". Then you go back here and read this message again.
If I understand what you mean, you'll get a receipt saying "Processed". Be kind enough not to reply to that one unless you REALLY want to change something. No chit-chat :-)
If for any reason this doesn't work AT ALL. We will most certainly not try it again ;-)
Now I'm going home to grab some food, and I'll be reading emails sporadically for another three and a half hours. Hopefully some people answer immediately, so I can begin processing :-)
In 5 hours I'll finalize the list, I have to be up at a bit before 6 so I won't be up after midnight ;-)
At the moment we have a couple of people who can join in at almost any time, I can join in during 5-6 periods, but not during office hours (I have a deadline looming. Eh, scratch that. I HAD a deadline looming. I'm already 11 days late. And counting ;-) ). We also have a couple of people who can only be there for 2-3 hours each evening (UTC). Since some of our offshorians don't have the same office hours as me, it doesn't like like there'll be more than at most 4 people in a session at ANY point during the 60 hours from wednesday evening UTC to saturday morning UTC.
This is BAD, people. If it doesn't improve, I'm not going to spend another minute trying to organise any of this crap.